Hello, Believe & Succeed followers! I would like to announce that I just completed the Banyan Hypnosis Certification Super Course taught by the Master himself, Cal Banyan, in Dallas, TX. It was an intensive 7-day, 10 hour/day, course of study that was preceded by 25 hours of self-study. As a result, I am now a Certified Master Hypnotist, 5-PATH Hypnotherapist and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis Instructor. If you would like to learn more about 5-PATH Hypnosis and/or 7th Path Self-Hypnosis, visit 5-PATH.com or call me at (405)550-9331. I am excited because my skill-set has increased 10-fold and I am ready to share it with others! We help normal, everyday people with normal, everyday problems by getting to the root of the problem and permanently neutralizing it.
- lschultzzzzz